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Clean Indoor Air Act

Clean Indoor Air Act

Commissioners passed the Cook County Clean Indoor Air Ordinance, 06-O-12, that prohibits smoking in all public places in Cook County and guarantees the right of nonsmokers to breathe smoke-free air which shall have the priority over the desire to smoke. The ordinance, the ordinance took effect on March 15, 2007, and prohibits smoking in all enclosed public places and places of employment within the County of Cook.

  • Public places include:
  • Childcare, adult daycare, health care facilities, or home-based businesses of any kind open to the public;
  • Restroom, lobbies, reception areas, hallways, and other enclosed common-use areas;
  • Recreational areas including enclosed sports arenas, stadiums, swimming pools, ice and roller rinks, arcades and bowling alleys.
  • Smoking is prohibited within15 feet of any entrance;
  • Every place of employment where smoking is prohibited by this Ordinance shall have posted, at every entrance, a conspicuous sign clearly stating that smoking is prohibited;
  • The operator or manager shall remove all ashtrays and other smoking paraphernalia intended for use where smoking is prohibited.

The Cook County Clean Indoor Air Ordinance is still enforced in the unincorporated areas of suburban Cook County.


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