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Healthy Eating

Eating healthy is good for us. It lowers our risk of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as defends against depression. Good eating habits can also boost our energy, sharpen our memory and stabilize our mood.
Eating healthy can be hard. Today, we are eating out more at restaurants and other food service places, where portion sizes are often too big and encourage us to eat more than we should. Unhealthy options are always in our reach. For instance, soft drinks are everywhere. These drinks – known as sugar-loaded beverages – have become the biggest source of calories in our diet.

For some of us, eating healthy means driving five towns over to find a supermarket. The places we live, work, learn, worship and play are taking action to make healthy eating easier. Communities can improve healthy food access through farmers’ markets, community gardens, community supported agriculture (CSAs), farm stands, mobile produce vendors, and co-ops. Corner stores or local food markets are another place that can provide healthier foods and beverages. Schools, worksites, faith communities, and parks can make sure healthy options are available in vending machines and cafeterias or during meetings and events.


Learn The Ways Healthy HotSpots Promote Healthy Eating

Community Garden

Farmer’s Market

Healthy Corner Stores

Fit-Friendly Worksites

Healthy Schools

Healthy House of Worship


The Cook County Department of Public Health and the following partners are working together to make suburban Cook County more active and a better place to live, work, learn, worship and play.


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